Cooperate with us
Introduce bredpaks to your menu!
Serve catering dishes in bredpaks
Wholesalers and shops
Sell bredpaks in your stationary and online store!
Do you want to introduce bredpaks to your offer? Call us!
+48 504 289 597
What can be served
in bredpaks?
- you can serve liquid dishes there;
- they are suitable for main courses, breakfasts and lunches;
- their structure and crunchiness perfectly complements the menu of starters, snacks, finger foods and desserts, including ice cream;
The technology allows a very wide application. Bredpaks are heat and cold resistant, therefore;
Due to their handy shape, they are especially recommended for street food and the event industry, and wherever there is a "take-away" offer. They will also work in cafes, bistros, bars, ice cream parlors, hotel restaurants.

Serving Method
On the spot
To go
In delivery
What do customers love bredpaks for?

For being delicious and great for many dishes, without affecting their taste;
For the fact that they are ecological and can replace plastic disposable dishes and reduce waste;
For being fully plant-based and not harmful to the environment;
For being an innovative Polish product that cannot be compared to any other product available on the market.

They trusted us

"Breadpaks perfectly fit into the philosophy of our kitchen - we do not use plastic and choose dishes that are safer for the environment. Edible bowls added flavor to our dishes and became a gastronomic attraction at Jezioro Sławskie. Our horses also liked them, and they eagerly crunch leftovers that our guests have not eaten. "
“An innovative, local and incredibly tasty solution at your fingertips. Visitors to my workshops, shows, training sessions and lectures on zero waste love BreadPack products. I am proud to have such a partner! I recommend it.”
"After the first bite of bredpaks, we fell in love with them. In short - they are the best! :)"
“Our ice cream shop offers an ice cream dessert with edible flowers in a bredpak from the very beginning, the customers are delighted! Enjoy their simple composition and unique taste! We recently introduced a novelty, salads with wild plants and flowers, in this brilliant bowl! "
"One of our clients says about bredpacks: Bowls are perfect for our agritourism. Not only are they ecological and healthy, but they like us, our customers and our pets, especially the ever hungry goats :) We offer mixes of vegetables and fruits, which customers can use to feed our pets and they are always positively surprised that the animals can also be fed with a bowl. Thanks to them, we know that our pets eat healthy and we also reduce the amount of waste produced. One product and a double benefit. We highly recommend!"
"A sensational product that works both for consumption by our guests and as a supplement to food for our small and large animals in the zoo."
Why is it worth using bredpaks?
They are an alternative to harmful disposable plates and make your offer stand out significantly.
They guarantee the wow effect and encourage new customers to use your offer.
They confirm that you care about the environment and the health of your guests, you can brag about it!

They are an alternative to harmful disposable plates and make your offer stand out significantly.

They guarantee the wow effect and encourage new customers to use your offer.

They confirm that you care about the environment and the health of your guests, you can brag about it!
Each breadpak is our common contribution to environmental protection.

Currently produced:

It helped save as much kilograms of CO2:

This is the benefit of working as many trees per year:
Calculations based on the "Report of the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council", 31.10.2019 r. COM (2019) 559 final
About us
We created BreadPack because we believe that everyone should have a choice. Our proposal is a completely new quality of ecological disposable plates for gastronomy.
Our company was founded on the combination of two passions: designing new technologies and being close to nature. We have built our experience by running a network of soup stores and the production of machines for baking edible cups. We were often approached as experts and asked about edible disposable plates that other companies could use at their premises and at events. We decided to respond to this need, create new technology and commonly available, delicious dishes. It was not an easy mission, but the effect is delightful.
Angelica Szkołuda
CMO / co-owner
I use words to describe breadpaks as our minds understand them. I am the part of the company that presents the brand and rationalizes its goals.

Eugeniusz Adintsov
CEO / co-owner
I build machines to create breadpaks in accordance with our vision and idea. I am the part of the company that created and executed all the BreadPack technology, from the oven design to the delivery logistics.